If you didn’t already know, Twitch is the world’s leading video platform and community for gamers. On average, over 45 million users visit the site every month to view live video streams and to interact with fellow viewers. Since it was launched in 2011, Twitch has already surpassed other mainstream social websites including Facebook …

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This years Affiliate Summit West is being held in Las Vegas from the 18th-20th January and we are pleased to confirm that the Monetise crew will be showing our wares with our very own booth (booth number 4013). This follows the highly successful Adtech London event where the Monetise stand was the venue for 2 …

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Mobile technology is booming. Where as opportunities for desktop marketing have kind of plateaued in recent times, the mobile horizon is only just beginning to broaden. If that’s not reason enough then here’s Clive, in today’s Monetise Monday, explaining why running mobile offers is an absolute must for all affiliates in 2015. For reference, here’s …

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I often see members of the affiliate marketing community unhappy about being rejected by the affiliate network of their choice. During today’s #MonetiseMonday, Clive Smith looks at why affiliate network’s have to take precautions when approving new affiliate partners to their network, and gives affiliate marketers guidance on how to make sure they maximise their chances …

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  The world of affiliate marketing can sometimes have a steep learning curve. For the beginner this can seem daunting and seeing others in the industry who are absolutely killing it can be sometimes demoralising when you aren’t seeing results. However, in most cases the most successful affiliate marketers have been in the game for …

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The key to effective advertisement is engagement. How do you successfully capture the attention of your ad-viewers and then turn that attention into valuable actions? In today’s Monetise Monday, Clive discusses the importance of ‘angles’, what they are, and how to implement them into your ad creatives/landing pages for better click-through and conversion rates. For …

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  Twitter originally began almost as an afterthought. When it was first introduced to the virtual world, most people just saw it as a blip on the ever-changing World Wide Web. It was placed in the same categories as the slowly dying Myspace or any number of the other social media outlets, which regularly come …

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There’s any number of ways an affiliate marketer can optimise their ad spend, but it seems as though it’s the ‘little differences’ that really go unnoticed. From tiny changes yield big results, that’s the message behind today’s Monetise Monday, as Clive explains how you can optimise your ad spend by as much as 110 percent …

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Whether you’re feeling festive or not, there’s no denying the multitude of opportunities available to affiliate marketers looking to increase their performance and maximise profits. Motivated traffic, however, typically comes at a cost – especially at a time of year when competitive bidding is at an all time high. In today’s Monetise Monday, Clive explains …

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At Monetise, we are very passionate about the importance of effective landing pages. Indeed, we even helped build a landing page marketing platform over at Clickthroo to give marketers an easy way of building, tracking, testing, and publishing landing pages. Landing page optimisation can easily be the difference between success and failure when it comes …

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