We are living in the most connected era in history. You are able to speak to your buddy in Tokyo whilst sitting in your PJ’s in London. A business can be almost completely automated due to the abundance of online services such as Printful, Shopify and MailChimp. Pretty much every device you own is interconnected. …

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It’s commonplace for Monetise to receive a daily influx of enquiries from potential advertisers who are in search of high quality leads. Who can blame them? We are, after all, the number 1 UK CPA netw… Okay, enough with the sales spiel. But you get the idea. The products and services that advertisers are proposing …

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I was in a cocktail bar at the weekend (not working as waitress, to the disappointment of some of you Human League fans) and I got chatting to a chap about the day job. I work as a publisher manager here at Monetise, but to avoid being met with a blank face, I tell him …

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Paid advertising – to the experienced eye, is everywhere you look these days, whether it’s remarketing adverts following you around the web after you searched for gluten free cakes (just me?), to sponsored ads clogging up your Facebook news feed, or your bog-standard Google ads sitting up top of the search results. With paid advertising’s …

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Monetise Monday is back once again, and this week, we’re focussing on Affiliate Summit East, as the team jet off to New York City at the end of July. Remember you still have time to set up meetings with both Clive and Ricky ahead of the conference, so click here to pick a time slot.

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It’s that time of the week again! On this week’s Monetise Monday, James and Clive discuss alerts that publishers can set up to help them keep an eye on their campaigns. If you’d like to find out more about alerts and how to set up your own, please click here. If you’d like to set up …

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Time for another Monetise Monday, as James speaks to Clive about how publishers can utilise SubIDs to help optimise their campaigns. Also on the agenda is Affiliate Summit East, as Clive and Ricky head off to New York on July 31st. You can set up a meeting with the pair by heading here.    

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The United Kingdom’s decision to exit the European Union caused the strength of the pound to drop last week. Publisher Manager James speaks to Clive, Monetise’s Business Development Manager, about whether this will affect the UK lead gen industry…

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Emotional marketing; a phrase coined many years ago by the Coca Cola Company. It’s been tested many times and shown to have a huge impact in the likelihood of an advertising campaign being successful. It’s all about passing a message that builds on someone’s ego, makes him or her feel empowered, happy and motivated. All …

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Paid adverts have been a seamless part of social networking feeds for quite some time now. ‘Sponsored’ and ‘Featured’ posts slip smoothly on to our timelines, booted with the ability to like and share just like any other.  Gone were the days that ads popping up on your feed were as alarming as that idiot you unfollowed …

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