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So it turns out football isn’t coming home.. ..at least not for another year. As the old saying goes, “all good things must come to an end” – and boy, did they just. England lose out on glory in a major championship in textbook fashion, conceding the title to Italy in a penalty shootout. More …

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Most parents can attest to their children going through the ‘why’ phase, and it’s widely reported that this phase greatly contributes to a spike in knowledge and understanding (Woodhead, 2009). Kids begin to question everything, and in doing so, they learn a great deal more than had they not popped the ‘why’ question. Picture these …

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As most creatives know, every year American colour company Pantone announce a colour they predict will influence all design trends throughout that year, from interior and fashion, to graphic design and branding. For 2021, Pantone have treated avid followers to two colours of the year: PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating and PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray. After the …

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It’s no secret that social media presence nowadays can have a phenomenal impact on a company. In the last few years especially, there have been numerous start-up companies that have grown their business purely using the power of social media to gain sales and improve their customer retention. But just how powerful is it? And …

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Lockdown has impacted every aspect of life as we know it, from the way we work to the way we do that awkward half shuffle, half shimmy past people in a desperate attempt to try and get your hands on the rarest, most fought over, and the most precious item that the supermarket has to …

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When you think of McDonald’s what comes to mind…other than the obvious imagery of Big Macs or McNuggets? “I’m lovin’ it”. You sang it in in your head, didn’t you? You may have even whistled the “ba da ba ba ba” intro too. Although this simple phrase is relatively new to the scene as far …

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Our Head of Network Performance, Clive Smith, got together with the ever-talented Ben Helyar, GM for NetRev to reflect on the crazy year of 2020 and the surprises (Covid aside) it brought in the lead generation space. They then looked to 2021, trying to predict what might become of this year. We have been working …

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After a Christmas in lockdown, I was happy to be back at work rather than face one more game of charades or Monopoly. But one thing that did seem to stick into the New Year was word association. Maybe not words specifically, but the idea that we associate, whether it’s consciously done or not. Naturally …

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A UK casino broker has spoken of their delight after doubling their customer base, following a five-month lead generation project with Monetise. Gamblers Know, an online portal for UK punters seeking the best introductory deals for casinos and slot games, reached out to Monetise at the midway point of 2020 to explore plans to accelerate …

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It struck me this weekend (yes, I do think about work over the weekend) that the network has started to do a lot more for our publishers and advertisers than they would perhaps know. We have been preaching our additional services a lot in our most recent conference appearances, but our loyal base of partners …

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